They’ll finesse it to the nth decimal point.% is on cash flow. Brisbane Property Valuer I’ll make a confession.The Twitter valuation, % of the timethat I spent was on the cash flow, and towards the end,said, I need a discount rate.And for the discount rate, what Ieffectively used a discount rate of about %.And I didn’t think about it too much.% puts you in the th percentile of US companies.So I’m basically saying, they’re a really risky company.I could finish this a little more.But I really don’t care.This is really the small stuff.My bigger assumption is what my revenues will be,what my margins will be.

This is not where I’m going to screw up.And I always have to factor in that with a young company,there’s a chance that they would not make it.In the case of Twitter, I assume that therewas zero chance that they would not make it,because they have access to capital.It’s not that they won’t screw up.But they seem to have access to people who keep giving themmoney, even if they screw up.And that’s a nice skill to have.Those are the things that fed into my valuation of Twitter.And in the week before the IPO, the value that I put was $.And if you remember your history, it was priced at $.And on the offering day, it didn’teven open for about two hours.And when it did open, it opened at $.And I got a call from somebody saying,how do you explain the $.And I said, I don’t have to.I didn’t pay it.I’ve never felt the urge to explainwhat some other person pays.AUDIENCE What was your final valuation?ASWATH DOMODARAN $ per share?

Yeah.So I get calls saying, how do you explain Uber’s $ billion.Ask somebody who paid the $ billion.I didn’t do it.I just take Uber once in awhile.But I’m not big $ billion to my driver.So I don’t feel the urge to try to explain it.In fact, that’s one final thing I want to say.Much of what you see passing for valuation out there’sis really pricing.If you have no idea what I’m talking about,let me give you a couple of very simple tests.How many of you own a house or an apartment?What, Google doesn’t pay you enoughto buy your own apartment?Time to raise your salary, so I’ll make sure that happens.You know how this works.What do you do?You hire a realtor.The realtor shows you a house.I’m thinking of moving to La Jolla,especially after two winters like–

I’m done. winter in New York, I’m out of here.My wife is from California.I’m going back.I went to UCLA.I can’t take this anymore.So I talked to my wife.And the minute I said it, she’s checking out houses.Hey, this is a good thing.And she picks the most expensive part of Californiato look– La Jolla.This is a slum in La Jolla.It’s less than $ million.That shows it’s one of the cheapest houses probablyin La Jolla.But here’s my question.How did the realtor come

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like  now I’m designing this to give you an  idea how I see the Adelaide Tax Accountant world it’s just an  idea and what I like about opening the  spread with a double page image you’ll  see on this left area in a few moments  I’ll add some text with her first name  maybe middle name and her last name  initial so we’re going to start here so  now we were going to potentially add a  few more images of her newborn session I  might go right into images of her and  add the parents in a moment okay

  so I’m using the up and down keys great  so I love the look of this I want to  really isolate a cute little foot so  you’ll see here on the right panel  there’s a scale feature that allows me  to scale same here I might scale this  and bring it down just a little bit  right so now I’m just you’ll see I’m  just dragging and dropping i’m selecting  two images and i’m using the up and down  key to find templates that I like now I  really like this template it seems  simple because it is so now let’s go and  pick images with our parents now in my  final album I would probably have the  father-daughter image in color as well

  but I wanted to show you right now  without any extra Photoshop just how  easy this is you’ll see there’s this  line right down the middle I don’t mind  it as long as it’s not going through  someone’s head and we have the mom on  the left the dad on the right and we’re  going to close the newborn with a large  double page spread I love this and  you’ll see I can move this up and down  using my mouse on the right side and if  I wanted I could do this I could bring  it over but you know

I think I think I  might just do this double page spread as  large as possible okay great so now  we’re going to introduce her as she is  turned six months oh that’s cute now  let’s say I want to change it up now I  like my albums have symmetry so you’ll  see that I’m starting the six-month  session just as I did the first the  first double page spread for her newborn  so I’m using the right and left keys  we’ll bring you back here so you’ll